Our purpose is to evangelize First Americans, the hidden natives of the USA, training and sending them to win others to the Lord Jesus Christ. A great challenge facing the Church is that of meeting the spiritual needs existing among the American Indian population. Here are some facts which will substantiate this statement: There are currently 5.1 million Native Americans; 517 tribes live on over 300 reservations, rancheros and colonies. Two hundred of these tribes have not heard the Gospel. Unemployment on the average reservation ranges from 60 to 95%; no jobs are available. American Indians’ suicide rate that is five times greater than the national average.
The Indian Missions Department is actively involved in construction of Church facilities in Native American communities. Each year several major construction projects are scheduled and the work is done with volunteer skilled builders. The work of these crews has been of inestimable value in getting established churches where God’s Word is taught and Natives are learning how to evangelize their own. There are currently some 200 facilities consisting of Church sanctuaries and Christian Education Departments existing today because of dedication and contributions of finances and labor of Christians with vision to win the First American to Christ. American Indians make up the greater percentage of the 120 trained Pentecostal Church of God Pastors currently serving departmental facilities.